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  2. Octagon SF8008  Digitalsatonline

Blue Line FHD Skin by stein17 problem with openeight 6.8

Dieses Thema im Forum "OCTAGON SF4008 4K Linux E2 UHD 2160p" wurde erstellt von firass2017, 10. März 2021.

  1. firass2017

    firass2017 Active Member

    Registriert seit:
    14. Oktober 2017
    Punkte für Erfolge:
    I have installed openeight 6.8 and download the blue Line FHD skin by stein17 from the feed. When i restarted to apply the skin the image is blocked in the boot screen ( blue screen and the red logo of openeight on the top left wich is turning non stop.)
    Has Anyone faced this? Is there a solution to make ...

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